Meeuwis|Cultural Diversity Practice 2
Literal mending
Metaphoric mending
Exercise #1
I started looking around my room at things that are broken. for instance I have a broken Macbook. I thought it would be interesting to do something with that. but later I realised that it was still worth some money, so I decided to sell it. I could not really find something in the literal area that inspired me, so I decided to look at the metaphorical mending.
I looked at things that felt I felt needed mending in my life right now. What changed for me after the corona 'lockdown'.
The thing that changed the most was my work rhythm. I used to work on school daily and this was of course not possible anymore. The moment when this structure was gone I noticed that my productivity went down rapidly. I started to get out of bed later. I couldn't concentrate in my own room, full of distractions. Eventually let some games distract me (Minecraft). TOTAL DISASTER FOR PRODUCTIVITY AS ONE CAN IMAGINE.
Things that need fixing
Sleep Routine
Exercise #2
Improve Productivity
How to improve productivity for me?
What changed the most for me when the school closed, was the daily structure of going to school and meet friends and work together. School is in that sense a place for meeting up fellow students. A place were, when I was stuck, other people could inspire me. Something I am definitely missing right now.

How to improve?
Digital applications such as Zoom seem to be a reasonable solution for digital classes. The big thing I miss now about school is the collaboration with students during working sessions.

I want to design a app, that could maybe fill this gap. An app where students can work online with each other. Not only for working on the same project, but also when you work on different things and you just can go brainstorm with each other and work at the same time. To also inspire people to sit down and work. It's easy to not do something if there is no one to check what you are doing.
Environment for concentration
Designing the app
First sketches
Final design