The initial setup was to build upon a assignment which was given in theory 2.3.
We had to write a speculative 'fabulation'. The fabulation had to be based on a museum piece.

The story was finished but I thought It would be nice to give it more body and expanding the universe.

While struggling starting up with the project. I thought it was interesting to combine Rotterdam based photography I've made to give image to the story. Reason is because I noticed that some things I wrote were loosely based on Rotterdam things. Example: the big massive building of the 'Ministry of preservation' in my story is based on the huge closed of buildings in the city. The market centre of food delivery is based on the indoor food market blaak. So I thought by making the photography a bit abstract it would be nice to use.
Because I wasn't really inspired for the project I decided to focus on developing some technical skill. I wanted to get better in creative coding for a while.

The idea now was to develop the coding by focusing on a phenomenon called perlin noise. a technique developed for gaming in the 1980s for random generated terrain.
I've followed some tutorials which guided me through the mechanics of perlin noise in Processing. I tweaked some of the code, but I wouldn't say that I can make this out of my head now.
My take on Perlin Noise
In this week I wanted to give more layer to the things I create. Where could you see these motion. How could I make more use of the medium.
This reminded me of the station advertising boards. At this moment they have a camera but it is blocked, because of regulations. What if I could use this camera? Processing can use a webcam as interaction. I want to create something with this idea.
Starting with motion tracking
I first started looking in to the technique. how to track people with a webcam.
How it works is: The camera detects all the pixels and when they are moving.
Sketches of how the poster could look
Motion tracking techique
Motion tracking techique
Revised goals:
-To improve my creative coding skills through processing/P5.js
-To look at what creative coding can add to my way of designing.